7 Tips To Help You Care For Your Elderly Pet

Caring for an animal is hard work, let alone an elderly one. Just like humans, seniors need some extra love and care, as they’ve spent their lives being active. Their environment could have caused obesity, diabetes, and joint problems. It’s hard to know exactly what they need since they can’t tell you, “Ow, that hurts” or “Why aren’t you rubbing my belly? I can’t do it myself.” So, we’re going to share some helpful tips to get you started on your senior pet routine.

What Age Is “Elderly” For A Pet?

Knowing the lifecycle of your specific pet is needed in order to determine if they’re “elderly” or not. For example, large dogs age quicker than small dogs. Cats are considered seniors around eleven years old. Birds range, depending on their species (between six and thirty years). So, do your research before making any drastic changes to their life.

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1.  Adjust Their Diet As They Age


Similar to humans, animals become more sensitive to foods as they age. Nutrition is harder to absorb and fat is easily gained. Too much fat and protein can lead to obesity, which won’t help their aching joints. Search for brands that cater specifically to senior pets, and check their credibility. Just because it’s for seniors, doesn’t mean that the company put the right ingredients in the formula. Sadly, not everyone can be trusted to love your pet as much as you do.

2.  Exercise Their Bodies Gently

The older you get, the less energy you have. Elderly pets need to be encouraged to exercise. We don’t recommend taking your senior dog on a long mountain hike, but a walk around the block a couple times a day will keep them limber and their blood pumping. Stagnation will only worsen their conditions. Those cats that love to laze about, dangle a toy mouse in front of them. If it fails, maybe it’s worth releasing a live one…

3.  Stimulate Their Minds


When you don’t feel good, all you want to do is sleep. Rest is good, but too much can leave your pet’s brain sluggish. Play games with your elderly pet and offer them treats as encouragement. Play hide and seek and fetch. Do anything you can to get them to interact with you. Even talking to them makes a difference. Acknowledge their existence often, as we know how busy life can be. It’s too easy to walk by your pet on the way out the door.

4.  Groom Them Regularly

Less energy means less motivation to clean yourself. Elderly cats, especially, will develop oily skin and fur due to lack of cleaning. Make an effort to pick up the slack for them. Dogs love baths and cats…you can use dry shampoo. A clean pet is a happy pet. Don’t you feel better after a nice long shower? It makes everyone, including animals, feel invigorated, as well as positive.

5.  Make A Senior-Friendly Home


Climbing up stairs and jumping onto furniture may not be as easy as it used to be. Make their lives a little easier by providing a step for their favorite spot on the couch. Build a ramp, so that they can get up the stairs. Place their food and water where they can easily access it. Little things like this make all the difference in their daily lives. Would you love to hike up and down the stairs just to go to the bathroom?

6.  Visit The Vet Often

Annual checkups are great, but senior pets may need to be brought in every six months. This is especially true for those who need their prescriptions refilled or a progress check on a condition. Dental problems are also something to worry about, as most pet owners don’t take the time to brush their pet’s teeth throughout their life. We don’t hold it against you. We know that those cats can throw a fit if you get any type of grooming tool near them.

7.  LOVE Them All The Time


The best thing you can do for them? Love them with all your heart. You may have one day with them or another ten years. It’s hard to say, but loving them will certainly make all the difference to them. Happy pets want to live longer. We all know that willpower is part of the healing process. Make them want to stay, and if they decide to go, you were there for them the whole way through.

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